The Practice (takeaways)

5 May 2021  •  #review

Seth Godin’s style is pretty clipped and aphoristic, which works really well for me. Here are the key thoughts I took from The Practice: Shipping Creative Work:

A good decision vs a good outcome.

Don’t judge a decision by its outcome — there is too much that is outside of your control.

Actions can change how we feel.

The body and the mind form a feedback loop. You can make choices for your body that will influence your mood, and what you choose to keep in mind will influence your body.

We become what we do.

If you play basketball every day, you become a basketball player. If you make art every day, you become an artist. If you watch tv all day, you become a couch potato.

Use the active voice — always

I am X but they don’t realize it yet.


I am not X because they didn’t tell me I was.

Embrace the power of (YET)

It’s not working (yet) They aren’t listening (yet) I haven’t broken through (yet)


I am starting this blog so that I can share my progress as a comics artist. It is what I intend to do, so here.. I made this for you